CSA Work Boots 100% Made in Canada.

Premium Safety Footwear.

  • "Absolutely top notch service! Definitely proud to be wearing these Canadian made boots on my feet. The customer service is above and beyond anything else I've ever experienced."

    -Vincent Johnston

  • "Super impressed with how fast you got them here, THANK YOU!
    They fit perfectly and feel awesome. After they get some wear time, I’m sure you’ll be getting some very positive feedback. So pleased that I waited for them to be made."

    -Dave Bullock

100% Canadian Made Boots

Tatra designs and manufactures footwear in Dunnville, Ontario, Canada. With a focus on safety boots and shoes for the trades and manufacturing industries, the team at Tatra understands the value of a job done right. That is why our approach is to design safety shoes that meet and exceed performance expectations, are built rugged to last, and have a fit that will keep you comfortable through long work days.